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Specialty 011
"Educational, Pedagogical Sciences"

About the program
The educational program of the specialty 011 "Educational, Pedagogical Sciences" aims to train highly qualified pedagogical workers for complete general secondary education and specialized education, who are capable of solving complex exercises and problems of teaching, education and development which involves research and / or the implementation of innovations.

Specialists must be able to create and implement new content of education and teaching methods (technologies), combine their personal pedagogical activities at a high professional level with the dissemination of the more preferable practices, expertise and mentoring based on their own pedagogical experience.
  • 4 years
    duration of study
  • Full-time and part-time
    forms of education
  • Diploma
    State standard
Students master scientific research and diagnostic methods of psychological and pedagogical research as well as the ability for independent teaching and organizational management
Key disciplines
Students are offered a choice of disciplines listed in the curriculum
  • Theory and practice of higher professional education in Ukraine
  • Didactic systems in higher education
  • Methods of teaching in high school
  • Modeling the activities of a specialist
  • Pedagogical and professional psychology
  • Pedagogical control in the system of higher education
  • Organization of educational process management in higher education
  • The system of educational work in higher institutions
Subjects for admission
To enter the Faculty of Linguistics and Translation, we offer several competitive offers:
(Passing score more than 100 in any subject)
Competitive offer
1. Ukrainian language and literature
2. Foreign language
3. History of Ukraine or Geography
Competitive offer
1. Ukrainian language and literature
2. Foreign language
3. Mathematics
Competitive offer
1. Ukrainian language and literature
2. History of Ukraine or Geography
3. Mathematics
Career prospects
Positions that can be acquired by graduates of our faculty
  • Teachers in schools
  • Employees of scientific and pedagogical institutions
  • Advanced training specialist
  • Employee of the Ministry of Ukraine
  • Assistant manager
  • Specialists in office administration
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